The Mhrann’s Mantle: A Dragonfly Destiny Series Novelette, Ebook Only
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Age Category: Teen, Ages 13-17
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 75
Four years before Etoiny discovers the last dragonfly, the Mhrann’s youngest granddaughter disappears from the public eye.
As she trains to become the first royal spy, she must decide whether to follow vengeful orders, or respond to the conscious building inside her.
Fourteen-year-old Enebish hopes to rule her country with wisdom and beauty, despite being the second sister. If she can develop the power of compulsion she secretly dapples with, she may win over the Bloss people and use it for their gain.
However, Enebish’s sister announces her second pregnancy, solidifying herself as the next ruler of Veild. Shortly afterward, Enebish’s grandfather, the current Bloss ruler, offers Enebish an intriguing position of foreign spy and procurer of the fantastical.
She learns of her cruel grandfather’s plots, what exactly “the Bloss remember,” and that she could become the most powerful Bloss Mhranni in their recent history. But she may just die by her new name, Jaya, the one that means “Victorious.”
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